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In the Honor of Our Pagan Forefathers!

In the Honor of Our Pagan Forefathers

As you enter you feel a sense of exhilaration building up inside you. Images of epic battles fill your mind and you can almost hear the clash of steel against steel and distant battle cries. You catch a glimpse of an old woman chanting over ancient runes, wondering what could her words mean, as warriors of old go into battle after receiving her blessing.

History given to us in textbooks and the real history oftentimes contradict each other. Sometimes it happens due to misunderstanding of ancient texts, but more often it is done on purpose. This website shines some light upon the true history of our ancestors. Christianity has done everything in their power to erase the glory of our pagan fathers from the pages of history. So let us rebuild long lost knowledge in their honor, so that the true history will not be forgotten!

Honoring the glory of our ancestors is not only about learning their history, but also about rebuilding ancient customs, symbols and crafts. Our skilled craftsmen offer a wide variety of pagan items, which you can look at and purchase by visiting our forum. Beautifully crafted silver jewelry, intricately carved wooden trinket boxes, T-shirts and even fortune-telling runes, we have it all.

If you are not looking to buy, but to sell your works of art, you are very welcome as well. Simply contact our administrator and he will tell you, how you can share your skills with the world.

Take pride in the glory of our ancient forefathers, so that their ways will live with us forever!

Специально для Руси Былинной Антон Кулиш

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